The Colorado Trust

Apex served as the community evaluator for The Colorado Trust’s place-based work in Antonito, CO, where resident teams worked to improve social and economic conditions. The Trust used an empowerment approach to evaluation and Apex built capacity among resident team members to help with evaluation efforts.

Central New Mexico Community College (CNM)

CNM received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to implement Meaningful Math for Student Success (M2S2), and Apex was selected as the evaluation partner. The project aims to support teachers in using new methods to deliver algebra instruction through a cross-institutional professional learning community (PLC) comprised of high school and CNM faculty.…

Colorado Department of Education

The purpose of the Increasing Diverse Learner Engagement and Achievement (IDLEA) project is to increase engagement among Colorado’s diverse learners in order to address the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and help close the achievement gap between these learners and their peers. To accomplish this, 14 schools throughout Colorado have worked with the Colorado…

University of New Mexico School of Law Corinne Wolfe Center for Child & Family Justice

The Corinne Wolfe Center for Child and Family Justice will collaborate with UNM’s Health Sciences Center (HSC) and community partners to prepare and mobilize lawyers, in partnership with other professionals, to pursue justice and racial equity toward achieving health and well-being for New Mexico’s most vulnerable children and families. Strategies to meet this goal include:…

Roadrunner Food Bank

Apex collaborated with the Roadrunner Food Bank to assess food security needs and assets in the South Valley and International District neighborhoods of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Apex partnered with five organizations that facilitated food distributions in these neighborhoods to collect data from community members. Findings showed that food security cannot sufficiently be addressed without also…

University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (UNM-HSC OfDEI)

Apex partnered with the UNM-HSC OfDEI to learn about the current experiences and perceptions of participants in UNM-HSC OfDEI’s Communities to Careers health career pathway programs. The goal of the conversations and surveys with Communities to Careers program participants was to learn more about perspectives and experiences working with UNM-HSC OfDEI. Through four conversations and…

Colorado League of Charter Schools

Apex partnered with the Colorado League of Charter Schools to collect data on staff salary and benefits and the rates of staff turnover within charter schools in Colorado. These data are necessary to contextualize the range of salaries and additional compensation offered by charter schools and to provide insights on how charter schools can offer…

Women’s Cancer Fund

The Women’s Cancer Fund (WCF) is a monthly emergency financial assistance program managed by the Cancer Recovery Foundation. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a sample of Cancer Patient Navigators who help patients throughout their treatment plans. The survey was used to assess the perceived benefits and challenges associated with WCF financial assistance as well…

Groundworks New Mexico

Then known as New Mexico Association of Grantmakers – now Groundworks New Mexico – a group of New Mexico funders came together to better ensure that the statewide nonprofit sector has the information, support, and resources required to operate in an efficient and effective manner to meet the needs of the people and communities they…