Apex partnered with the UNM-HSC OfDEI to learn about the current experiences and perceptions of participants in UNM-HSC OfDEI’s Communities to Careers health career pathway programs.

The goal of the conversations and surveys with Communities to Careers program participants was to learn more about perspectives and experiences working with UNM-HSC OfDEI. Through four conversations and a one-time survey, program participants provided invaluable feedback on how UNM-HSC OfDEI and Communities to Careers positively impacts students and communities across New Mexico. Overall, individuals’ experiences with UNM-HSC Of DEI programming focused on how beneficial the programs are for students interested in health careers but unsure of where to start. Community members appreciated how the programs strengthen their interests in healthcare and desire to work in students’ home communities. Learners discussed that Communities to Careers programs gave them the resources and connections to achieve their goals. For some learners, their experiences with UNM-HSC OfDEI have shown them that their goals are possible despite the setbacks and challenges they may face.