CNM received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to implement Meaningful Math for Student Success (M2S2), and Apex was selected as the evaluation partner. The project aims to support teachers in using new methods to deliver algebra instruction through a cross-institutional professional learning community (PLC) comprised of high school and CNM faculty. The PLC is designed to further promote students’ long term interest and success in STEM fields.

Outcomes: Apex collected data on early indicators of program success by administering two validated survey instruments to participating students and faculty members and conducting individual faculty and student interviews. Apex analyzed additional data on students’ postsecondary achievements and persistence in STEM subjects. Findings are shared annually in a report to the NSF and have included positive changes in both student and faculty perceptions and attitudes about math attainment and instruction. 

FULL REPORT (2020 – 2021)