Making a difference.
One community at a time.
Our portfolio spans mental health, youth engagement, early childhood and family supports, out-of-school time, bilingual and special education, school-based health, housing and food insecurity, and community schools. We are based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have staff distributed coast to coast, and work across the country. Apex is engaged with and contributes to national-level networks related to our portfolio, including many within the field of evaluation.
Specifically, we are active in the equitable evaluation movement, including the Advancing Culturally-Responsive and Equitable Evaluation (ACE) Network and American Evaluation Association’s Topical Interest Groups (TIGs) relating to LGBT issues, Indigenous Peoples in Evaluation, Latinx Responsive Evaluation Discourse (La RED), and Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation. We’ve participated in the Center for Evaluation Innovation’s Evaluation Roundtable, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) convenings, and the Equitable Evaluation Initiative™ (EEI).
This work is deeply personal for us. We’ve overcome social determinants of health. We are products of public K-12 and higher education systems. We are first-generation college graduates. With all the talk of positionality in evaluation, and the sometimes problematic “identity” categories we use to define it – race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, poor, immigrant – we believe Edgar Villanueva says it best: “Those most excluded and exploited by today’s broken system possess exactly the perspective and wisdom needed to fix it.” That is how we see positionality and its value, and we humbly count ourselves in that group. We bring our positionality to work, carrying a proven reputation in the evaluation, health, and education fields.
Let’s talk about how we can make evaluation work for you.